Saturday, December 11, 2010

Emil Schildt

I've always loved this image by Emil Schildt.  It is a process that I want to learn soon.  I don't think, though, that many of the images turn out like this.  It could be very frustrating.  But I'm thinking.

I received an email from a woman I made pictures with a few weeks ago.  She has become a fun correspondent.  But this line from her last missive killed me.  As C.C. said, it will definitely make its way into a story.

"P.S. Thanks for the champagne. I saw it in Target and can't believe how expensive it is. No wonder it was so good."


  1. Wow. I find the image --- painful. Even though it is only the bustle of the dress -- the distortion of it makes her look --- I don't know -- like one of those bad photo-shop things that go around the web. And a bit of a Centaur (which would be better perhaps).

    Why do you like it so?

  2. I'll let you two figure it out. I am enamored of the process and the image for probably all the things you dislike.

  3. I like it because it is beautiful.

  4. I can see his influence on you!
    Stunning portrait!
