Thursday, May 22, 2008

Coney Island of the Mind

I'm going to Coney Island tomorrow to see it before it is gone. I have a lot of photos of it circa 1975, but as you know if you read this, all that is left are the proofsheets. Back then, it was a blighted zone, as was NYC (see "Midnight Cowboy", 1969). I don't know what to expect. Everywhere I go looks like someplace else now. Like biodiversity, cultural diversity is disappearing at an alarming rate. I wrote something about this over at another fellow's site, All The Dumb Things. He is another guy playing around with his past and present, an Australian Hellboy.

Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to see your writings and your images from Coney Island. I remember the images from there by Robert Frank and others.
    But that was forty years ago.
