"Harvest Moon. How'd that work out for you?"
"Seemed like bad ju-ju, eh?"
"It sure wasn't romantic. I'm nervous about the market. More than that really. Seems like EVERYTHING is breaking down, falling apart. I kept waking up last night thinking about all the parts of my life that are vulnerable. Hell, I worry about losing my job."
"I think everyone is like that right now."
"Not everyone. Not my ex. She doesn't even think about it."
"Maybe she's got the right idea. I'm not sure thinking about it helps. Simplifying might."
"Hell, her life is simple already. She rents, so she's not worried about real estate. She has a job that isn't going to be much affected by any of this."
"We all think someone else has it better than we do. It's our desires that get us into trouble."
"Oh, she has plenty of desire."
The barbs and arrows of fate seem directed at any of us most of the time. I am trying not to worry. It takes effort. I've quit watching the news or any parody of it on TV. I've long ago made my moral code. Remembering it, living it, that's the hard part. Especially when the moon is full and fate goes on a crazy rampage.
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