Thursday, September 4, 2008


I didn't know what MILF meant until a few days ago. I would see the acronym in print, but I was too embarrassed to ask anyone what it meant. I finally Googled it. I think the term is funny, because that was not something I ever thought about when i was young. I knew some who did. They would talk about it, but I was far too conventional. I didn't have a sister, but I imagine it is something like that, though I knew fellows who did that, too. Looking back, I know now that there were women who flirted with me, who stood too close and looked directly into my eyes, but it only made me uncomfortable. It might have been different if I knew women who were glamorous in some way, but those kind of women did not populate my life. The women around me wore curlers in their hair, dressed in bland clothing and wore orthopedic bras and bloomers. I guess it was part of the punishment of being poor.

My life has changed dramatically. I was about to say that life had changed, but I don't know that much about life as it is lived by others. Now, I am surrounded by MILFs, women in their thirties who go to the Y after their children go to school and work out with their personal trainers. They stay slim and fit and are coifed and I am sure desirable.

But let me tell you about some of the people who I grew up with. Tomorrow. Right now, I have to go to the Y.

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