Don't drink around people you work with. You will say things that aren't right thinking it is OK because everyone is drinking and you are not at work. You might even do something that you will wake up wishing you hadn't in the morning. Your mistake will come to you in a seething, terrible wash of recognition. It might it might begin with some simple thing, like saying goodnight to a woman you work with but don't know well. There will be the tell-tale sign, the down-turning at the corners of the mouth, a squinting as if she's looking into the sun, the limp, unwilling handshake. "What have I done?" you will quickly wonder, running through the night's events in a panic. It may not come to you right away, but a subtle agony will accompany you until morning when you realize SOME of the things you said that might be construed as inappropriate.
These are risky times. Keep to yourself. Avoid danger. Don't go out in public. And you must quit drinking.
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