"What the fuck!" I was thinking,"How in the hell did I let this happen?"
I was in the back seat with Johnny's new/old girlfriend. I didn't know for sure. I just knew they had a history. Everyone had left the car, so it was just the two of us stretched out in the back seat, kissing. She was older than I was and a lot more experienced, and she was hunching her pelvis into mine like one of the striptease artist I had seen in the Hoot Show at the county fair.
It all started earlier that night. We were in Donny's new car, an old Chevelle, Tommy, him, and me. We had driven around for awhile, first to the Big Boy, then just around until we ended up at the Drive-In. This wasn't the one in my neighborhood. This one was even rougher and I didn't know anybody there. On the way in, Donny had gotten into a pissing match with another car full of guys, and then somehow he had outrun them. We had been looking over our shoulders for them ever since. Donny had gone up to the concession stand while Tommy and I stayed in the car, and when he came back, he had three girls with him. They piled into the car with us. Cindy was the cutest and I ended up sitting next to her in the back seat crunched up against the window, Tommy and the other girl crushed in beside her. Donny asked them if they wanted something to drink and broke out the Canadian Club. These were really happy girls, happier than I had ever seen, and before long Donny asked them if they wanted to take a drive. Sure they did.
And so Donny put the speaker back on its hook and pulled ahead over the packed gravel hump into the next row, and that is when they saw us. It was the guys from earlier in the night.
"Hey motherfucker," I heard one of them yell as they all headed for their car. Donny hit the gas sending a spray of rock and gravel flying, trying to get to the exit before they could see which way we went.
"What the hell's going on," one of the girls asked.
"Oh, I know those guys," said Cindy. "They're real creeps. You don't want to go messing around with them."
By now we were flying down a four-lane highway, our eyes glued to the back windshield. It was all just headlights. You couldn't tell one car from another.
I was already shaking and hoping I wouldn't shit my pants, but the girls were screaming with wild joy now. They didn't care which way it went. They were having a time. I noticed the half moon that shone above us as I kept my nervous lookout.
Donny cut off the highway and flew down a few streets littered with houses. Nobody was following us, so Donny said, "Let's pull over into these woods and listen to some music.
After pouring drinks for everyone, Donny asked one of the girls to take a walk. Tommy and the the girl he was with went out and sat on the trunk of the car. And that is how I ended up with Cindy in the back seat of the Chevelle.
I didn't know what I was doing, really. Everything had happened in a flurry. I had seen Cindy before, but she was like something from another planet, something in another league. If I had been standing next to her, I'm sure she would never notice me, but now here I was, fully clothed, humping and grinding on her, driven by my reptile brain that spoke to instinct rather than thought. She had her tongue in my ear and was going like a lawn mower when something started to happen. I could feel myself losing control and tried to pull away, but she just kept after me harder and harder until I didn't know anything anymore and just quit trying. It was warm, then cold, and it was over. I was empty and humiliated.
But Cindy didn't seem to mind. When the others came back, she laughed and had another drink. She kissed me and kissed me as I sat there in my sticky misery. I felt soiled, fallen, dirty, and worse. I felt silly.
It would have been better to have fought with those fellows earlier in the night, I thought now. Better than this and the waiting for Johnny's fury.
the angst is just so strong in this it is difficult to read. But saying that, I've read it several times.
ReplyDeleteWell good. I was fearful and wary about posting it here.
ReplyDeleteSounds like my first "encounter."
ReplyDeleteYou're scarred for life.