Sunday, April 12, 2009


Sacred time, sacred space.  A church at Easter.  Pilgrims seek the eternal return, sacred history.  It provides context and meaning, displacing randomness and chaotic disorder.  Touchstones.  Collective memory.  

Churches and the deep, textured tragedy.

Pastel counterweights.

There is a power in remembering. There is a beauty in decorating.  

Power and beauty. The sacred and the profane.


  1. thanks for the reminder...sometimes it all gets lost in the chaos!

    The smile of the boy in the last picture brought it all back...


  2. Great shots - I like the simplicity of the post but it is loaded with messages at the same time. Nice post!
    I hope that you are enjoying the day.

  3. I never liked Easter when I was a kid. I think it was the pastels, but it could have been all the bad candy I got, the cheap, hollow chocolate bunnies and the jellybeans and the foil-wrapped chocolate eggs that were mostly wax and the marshmallow bunnies in pink and yellow. I didn't like the green plastic that was supposed to be grass that they put in the Easter basket, either. And whoever thought that a hard boiled egg was a treat, especially after it had been laying about in the yard for awhile?

    Like everything else, Easter needs a makeover from the marketing version we have now.

    Thanks for the nice comments. I hope your days were good.
