(Digital Photo of "Postcards from Nowhere" Series)
Sometimes fortune takes over. I was waiting for a girl at my studio when the skies broke open. She did not show up. I was standing in the open front door watching the rain when incredibly a couple came walking down the street holding a small, tattered umbrella that did no good at all. I watched as they ambled toward me, and when they got close enough, I called out, "You think its a good day for a stroll?"
They walked under the cover of my porch and we began to chat. Turns out they live next door to my studio and they were going to the restaurant behind me to get something to eat. I told them to cut through the studio in order to make the trip shorter. Walking through, they became enamored of all the paraphernalia I had lying around. They were an interesting looking couple. Turns out, she was from the Dominican Republic with a mixed ethnic background. She was all tatted up and had piercing everywhere. I asked if I could take her photograph and she said sure. When they were leaving, I said that if the girl I was waiting for didn't show up, I would like to shoot her. She was very enthusiastic.
I waited an hour. The girl didn't show.
The rain stopped, so I walked back to the restaurant where the couple was just finishing up their sangria. I said, "You still want to shoot?" She had class in a couple of hours, she said. We'll shoot for one, then, I told her.
She just started trying things on and laughing, her boyfriend fixing her wardrobe and coming up with good ideas.
Turns out he is an Arab from Syria. I told him next time I'd shoot him. Sure, he said.
They have friends, they said, who would come and play. She knows a woman who had a costume shop and has all sorts of things in storage, not copies or knock-offs, but real things from other places.
Here is a digital photo from yesterday. The Polaroids will take much longer.