Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Ex-Midget and The Maker of Antique Mirrors


I go to this site every morning. It always makes me feel good. I just like old things, maybe. You can't make them. My friend was telling me about a Japanese movie he was watching in which a fellow makes antique mirrors. "You can't make antique mirrors," I said (this was the same fellow who told me about an ex-midget).

Painters are different sorts of people from the rest of us. They practice an old, slow art, especially if they work in oil. Not so many people do any more. Acrylics. I hate the word. They are convenient like online classes and distance learning. Nothing wrong with that, I guess. I wrote a response to the criticisms of Woody Allen's new movie appearing in the New York Times that hoped his next movie would be about an old man who gets an online degree using only an iPhone. It's possible, right? I don't know if there is anything intrinsically wrong with it. I just don't prefer it.

In retrospect, though, I guess there is an irony about Allen's preference for old buildings and music and his love of young women. Feel free to comment.


  1. Unfortunately the same characteristics that are favored in old buildings don't carry over to women. You never hear, "Look at the age, the crumbling facade, the classic structure on that gal..."

  2. It is the way of the flesh. Everybody wants to hold the puppy and give only a nod to the old, lumpy dog in the corner. There is no end to it.
