Twitter, for those who think young.
The woman across the street has a daughter who just graduated from high school this year. It was a fine, private school where you go if your are both from a good family AND smart. Everyone from the school gets into the college of their choice, etc. And that makes the story she told better. It goes like this.
Her daughter went to school with a girl who had a bit of a situation this weekend. The girl's parents were out of town, and she was staying at the house alone. A couple of friends came over and the three of them got drunk. Pretty drunk. And they texted some friends about it.
Friends sent it to friends and then somebody twittered and later people began showing up. There was a party going on. The girl by now was really, really drunk, so she didn't care much that she knew few of the people who came. And in a little while, things got really, really out of hand. There were about two hundred people at this very nice home in a very nice part of town. Some of the guests, however, were apparently not such very nice people, so the party kept getting weirder and wilder. Eventually, someone drove a car in the garage through a wall in the house. I guess it was then that some of the neighbors had decided that perhaps property values might drop, and someone called the police. By the time they got there, though, the bad guys had made an exit. And of course, nobody knew who they were. Inside, the house was trashed, and on further inspection, it was found that people had stolen all the nice clothing and shoes out of the closets. China was broken and the silverware gone.
The police were clever, though. Since the girl couldn't identify any of the culprits and was eighteen and drunk, they arrested her and took her to jail. What are you going to do?
This won't keep the girl out of the college of her choice, of course. A good kid, really. It is just a matter of technology gone wild.
A blog is sooooo old fashioned now. It is practically prehistoric. Facebook is still cool (I think) because your tweets post there. As one funny internet video goes, "I can't wait for your Facebook post to see how our date went." Of course, you don't have to wait long. Kids can update the act as they perform it. It could be better than TV.
"Hey, Samantha's on a date with Eric. She's gonna keep posting so we know what's going on. She said she'd upload video, too."
Of course, somebody has to be interested in what you're up to. Tweeting to a vacuum can be dangerous for your mental health. You'd better have a social network with which to stay in touch.
And it helps to have some really understanding parents.
Social networking...it's always interesting to watch the ebb and flow of a new trend. Not so interesting, though, for the girl's parents...