Sunday, September 20, 2009

Still Time

Well, kids, 'tis the end of a season. This is the Last Day of Summer, 2009. What will you do with it?

What fun we had, eh? Barbecues and picnics and trips to the beach and then the State Fair? Lazy days with family and friends, playing with the dog in the yard and taking trips to the mountains. And let's not forget those wonderful summer romances.

But now the days grow shorter. The quiet time is coming, the colors changing. We prepare.

But not today. There's still time. There's still time.


  1. i wrote this morning
    first time a million years (not knowing it was the last day of summer - calendar wise).
    It is rough but it is something ---

    The New Life

    Thus in the losing autumn
    when the sun burns the sky's rim

    born amid this loss --
    rubied pyracantha berries and pumpkins

    hung on twisted vines, made orange
    with the scattered light

    seething to survive -- we begin to unravel
    our fingers tapping the table

    and murmur arguments against
    the bigotries of the coming season.

  2. nice lisa, thanks!

    Summer never ends in my mind, it cools off for a few months:)

    I'll wear my rainbow flipflops and shorts as long as I can. Then I guess I'll have to go and buy some shoes,socks and find my long pants. I need to find a winter home that never gets under 60. Keys anyone :)

    shine on

  3. Lisa, Thank you. I'm glad you were moved to write on summer's final day. I have begun to unravel.

    D, I wear flip-flops all year long.

    R, "The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over The Hills" (Buk)
