* * * * *
I got back to a town with a hangover. Halloween had been everything it was hoped. Now, everything looked beat, used up. Decorations were torn and tattered. Plastic cups littered corners and curbs. The energy was gone. And maybe that was the idea. Now it was time to study, time to prepare for the hard work that lay ahead in November. Halloween had been a catharsis, of sorts. The madness had dissipated.
The next week, I got a notice that the apartment complex in which I was living had been sold to the university and that no leases would be renewed when they expired. I had signed for only the term, so after Christmas, I would have to find a new place to live. Mick and his roommates were in the same situation.
"What are you going to do?" I asked him.
"I don't know. I don't want to live with these guys any more. You want to get a place together?"
I'd never had a roommate before, and I wasn't certain how I liked the idea, but I said, "Sure, I guess. You have any ideas?"
"I don't know. I'd like to live out toward the country, maybe. The rents are cheap."
And so it was decided. We'd look for a place away from town.
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