The moon was hidden behind the storm clouds last night. No view. But the night was an odd one with rain and tornados all about. Such strange weather now. I hope it presages nothing. Why read into that? Weather is weather and fate is fate. It must be the iron and the salts in the blood that compels one so rapidly toward a sympathetic fallacy. Scientific methods would urge us in another direction. But still, on a windy, dangerous night, my own impulse is to hunker down and hope for the best. That is what I'm doing now, for another storm is raging around me and I have little shelter there. Potions, amalgams, and unguents seem appealing just now. I hope not to meet the snake oil salesman today.
can I send you a good luck charm or two? :) storms (of the weather kind not the internal ones) make me feel more hopeful. We had windy, dangerous weather last night too and I was sitting outside bracing myself against the wind, feeling more alive than usual. If I can withstand this then maybe...hope is a funny thing.
ReplyDeleteTwo, please. And thank you.
ReplyDeleteI like the iron and salts notion. I get my period on the full moon. It makes me crazier.