(last night)
The fellow who sent the iPhone images also sent me his old iPhone so that I could play with the camera apps. I got it yesterday, and I have to say that it is fun. I bought one app so far, the "Hipstamatic." For a buck-ninety-nine, it comes with two types of film and three different lenses. It gives you the option to buy more of each. I have the old phone, as I say, so the camera is not nearly as good as on the newest version. These apps, though, make instant what many people have worked hard to develop in Photoshop. It was inevitable, of course. It is digital.
The foundry called me yesterday to let me know they have mounted the old brass 19th century lens I bought to the lens board. I have some developing tanks coming from the Star Camera Company, too. I will soon be ready to make collodion images just like the shutterbugs of the 19th century. It is very difficult work.
But I like them both. I like all the visual arts and communications, no matter what the technique.
I hope they make these apps available for using in other digital imaging programs. I know that many people will deride and dismiss them, but not me. In talented hands, everything works.

(this morning)
they are impressive pictures...