Wednesday, January 27, 2010

To Be Wonderful

(photo by Igor Vasilladis)

Still sick. Haven't shot a photo in a very long time. Started to make a set in my studio but haven't completed it. I am flummoxed. Being sick and incomplete is a terrible thing on a brilliant day, but there you have it. The sun shines, the sky is intensely blue, the air crisp and cool. My throat is sore, my nose is running, and my mind is filled with trepidation. The past piles up against the future, heavy and burdensome. Horrors on a beautiful day.

But there is this photo by Igor Vasilladis, a Russian who sometimes works in wet plate. I'd never heard of him until today. Such beautiful things. I will write to him, but I think I may not hear back. He is listed as "one of the top ten photographers in Russia." He may be busy.

More equipment arrived yesterday for my own wet plate production. Much to do and so little time. And all this desire to be wonderful.


  1. hope you feel better for your Bday coming up :)

    good luck,you'll be shooting again soon. You have too, it's what drives you:)

    shoot on

  2. but you are wonderful! Had a discussion today with someone...why is it so burdensome to take care of ourselves? She said Fear...but I don't know. If it helps, and I don't know why it would, I haven't picked up a camera in quite a while either...

  3. Thanks, D. My b-day is in a couple weeks. I'll lift a cup to your toast!

    R, I must be going 'round. But I'll take the "wonderful" part gladly. Thanks.
