O.K. You with me now? A giant fireball across the skies of midwestern states, recorded by videos and Doppler radar? And all they can come up with is that it might have been a giant meteorite? Volcanic ash fills the air. End Times. If I don't start that series soon, there will be nobody left to see it.
I'm not saying repent or anything. I'm just sayin'.
People wonder why I am trying so hard with the images and not writing more. There is a reason. I've read the surveys and the studies. People don't read. Especially college students. They are not enamored with the written word unless it is a text message. Rather.
ppl 1Dr Y I M trying so hard w d images & not writiN mo. ther iz a rEsN. Ive rED d survAz & d studEz. ppl dun rED. especalE college students. dey R not enamored w d RitN wrd unLS it iz a txt msg
Sorry about that. I sent that through a decoder.
So how are we to communicate? Images, moving and otherwise. Visual apothegms, axioms, and aphorisms. Homilies, if you will.
I am kidding. I will write again. I am just underwater with work. And, as usual, when I have to be somewhere early, I sleep too late. And so I must dash. In one hundred characters or less, translate today's visual homily.
Oh, I forgot. You'll have to send it elsewhere for grading.
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