Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Day Gone By

"Prom Dress"

I thought not to post today.  I have been shooting and scanning and experimenting and working to exhaustion.  I have had three people cancel shoots at the last minute three days in a row now, and that wears on me, too.  I am anxious for a day before it happens.  All that energy, and then. . . . nothing.  So I am worn and frayed just now.

But I cannot bring myself to let the day go by without posting something.

I sent out the first images from the "Prom Dress" series to see if they will be included in a big show and week-long event.  I was embarrassed and will be mortified when I'm not included.  It is a big deal.  But one must start if one is to go.  Yes, I will go.

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