Friday, May 14, 2010


I've just written a long, bitter-ish piece.  And deleted it.  I've just overworked myself.  That is all.  I just need some rest.  Lots of it.  For a long time.  Respite.  The word comes to me across some invisible expanse like a Siren's song.  Respite.

I want an easy plateau, 
Someplace to rest my head.

For awhile, for awhile, for awhile, 
For a little while.

Ryan Adams, "Easy Plateau"


  1. maybe writing it helped...respite is one of the loveliest words I know...

  2. I like words better than sentences. I may like letters more than words. Some of them, anyway, if they are in a beautiful font.

    Writing it, however, doesn't seem to have helped. But I feel noble, at least, in not making you all suffer.
