Tuesday, June 1, 2010


How is it that I can get lost so easily?  It is not trick to get to town, but I have gone wrong somewhere and now am far in the opposite direction.  Pleasantly lost, however, cutting across a park, taking the wrong path again and again so that a woman I have asked directions from comes to walk with me.  There is an old town and a new one.  Somehow, I do not find the first.  I walk in the drizzle through old, not ancient, streets past clothing stores and cafes and finally through an outdoor market.  What day is it?  I have left my dinner jacket in Munich in the closet of the hotel.  They will save it until I return, but I decide to buy a new one.  My European Jacket.  

Another day, I escape for two hours.  I walk up the steep hill to the castle.  I go because it is there, because others have gone.  I must, I think, see the castle.  It is fairly interesting, room after room, hallway after hallway.  But then it is time to go back.  I have seen so little of Salzburg.  Back at the schloss I have duties and meals.  In bed by midnight, I sleep marvelously.  


  1. Hey! I will have to post under your lovely Salzburg post.
    I can´t believe you own a couple of these Liliroze pictures. What a small world. They are genuinely gorgeous. You are a lucky man.
    Continue to sleep well at the Schloss:)

  2. funny, I got lost yesterday...driving aimlessly trying to get my bearings...someone in the car with me solemnly announcing, "well folks, we are officially lost and may never get home." I think it's the Florida heat that confuses me. A castle...sounds wonderful and I'm sure you look splendid in your European jacket!

  3. K, You should contact her. She is a lovely and generous woman. I'm sure she would enjoy hearing from you. And thanks for the post!

    R, Well. . . the jacket looks good. Don't worry about getting lost in Florida. All roads lead to some tourist destination.
