Monday, September 27, 2010

A Thousand and One Faces--A Hero's Tale

Spent yesterday in the air.  I gave up, put my cameras away.  I was ambitious, brought several.  I won't do it again unless I know what I am going to photograph.  These holiday beach pictures could be done with something small and easy to carry.  They are nothing.  But it is all I have this morning.  And as mindless as the photographs are am I.  All I have are resolutions that will soon be lost to the ravages of routine.  I feel myself differently, though--experience myself in a different way than before I left.  There and back again.  The Hero's Journey.

Now there's a laugh.


  1. ...and the power to bestow boons! What could be cooler than that? Welcome home!

  2. And what boons they are. Common things. Things you find around the house every day.

  3. I gave my son and his friends the Campbell to read while then backpacked from Cape Cod to the their goal - the Pacific. :-)

    Just got back from a girl road trip though -- hannah, my ma and I to Ocean City, MD for a family wedding. It is so honky tonk that strip -- the hotels still have names like "The Sea Princess" "The Sea Bonay" "Sand Castle" "Flamingo," neon lights and one pancake house after another.

    I don't like San Diego - everyone is so beautiful ALL the time.

