Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It's hard to please everyone, and sometimes anyone.  Sometimes, you can't even please yourself.  Yesterday's comments:

"Okay okay okay--go back to tits.  That was way too deep for me."


  1. Gee, I have never had a difficult time pleasing myself. :P

    Man. I dunno. Sorry. It's the change of seasons. I get stranger.

    Thanks for the tits.

  2. it's hard giving the public what they want...

  3. Oh, what a comment! I'm glad you brought it to the forefront, it's made my night.

  4. L, I don't believe you. Did you let them publish the book yet? See what I mean?

    R, . . . and even harder giving them what I want : )

    J, Well, once in awhile there might be that smidgen of success.

    I'll reveal a little here. I am brainy by birth and by occupation, dumb by upbringing and culture. The persona I have tried to create here struggles with that. The irreverence is tempered by conscience. Id/Superego. Angel on one shoulder, Devil on the other. Cartoon versions with cartoon arguments.

    I wish I had more time for this, truly. But, as with today's entry, I have to rush in order to serve my vocation. I like to play, but I like to eat, too.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
