Tuesday, October 26, 2010


In the associational limbo of driving, one thing leading to the next, way to way, I ask many dumb rhetorical questions, hands waving, face screwed up, shoulders hunching up and down.

"What the fuck is wrong with people?"

"Where in the fuck do these people come from?"

"Are you an idiot?  What are you doing?'

This more and more often now offered to the visage of someone on a cell phone who has no idea that I'm asking them these questions.  What I don't think about, though, are the other drivers around me, those behind and beside me, watching the idiot show that I am.  Do I think that people will quit it, that if I drive fast and hard enough, I will get ahead of ALL of them, that then it will just be smooth sailing?

I guess so.

I have a friend who likes it when I ask those rhetorical questions face to face.

"You're an asshole, did you know that?"

It is an either/or fallacy, but still. . . yes you do or no you don't?

I woke up today worrying about changing the clocks again this week.  Why do they have to screw around with the time?  Who decides this?  Why can't they leave it alone?  More rhetorical questions.  But I've been shutting down when it gets dark lately.  I'll be wanting to go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening.  And then, given that I don't sleep so well anymore, I'll be awake at four.  I can't help it.  My body isn't going to change because they change the time.  It is tyranny.  What's the point?

More and more, I have the posture of the schlemiel, shoulders shrugged, palms up, head slightly tilted.  I can feel it even when I'm not doing it.

I'm just sayin'.


  1. schlemiel...what a great word!

    I've been asleep all day with a migraine or some sort of malady, maybe a cockroach has burrowed into my head...looks like it's going to be a rough night! :)

  2. L, What? They don't like naked women? Everybody likes naked women. Oh, they just don't like my "type," eh? I don't know, they might be right.

    R, What causes migraines? I know it is a short circuit in the brain, but what brings them on? One woman essayist, and I think it was Annie Dillard, wrote about appreciating her migraines for they were days spent doing nothing and were important to her creatively. I've never had one, so I won't comment on the sagacity of that, but you might enjoy reading it. If I can find it, I'll let you know.

  3. many different triggers. Oliver Saks wrote an entire book on Migraines and relates stories of the creativity of migraine sufferers. Let me know if you find the essay...spent the day getting a ct scan and taking meds...creativity was no where near...
