We are awakened by cataclysm. Social cataclysm, social awakening. Personal cataclysm. . . .
And awakened without will, reluctantly. It is awful and terribly uncomfortable. We would prefer to sleep. But there we are, face to face with the thing itself. What we are. What we've become.
I woke in the dark long before dawn. I stayed in bed. It was simply too early to get up. The cold had come in the night. And now the cold morning begins. The squirrels feel it. They are very active today, frisky. A female cardinal flew to my window and hovered for a long while peering in. Long enough to startle, its wings flapping ferociously, maintaining its balance like a giant hummingbird but without ease or grace, more than long enough to unnerve.
I have not been living unconsciously. I have been conscious. But that has prevented nothing. I am conscious now, too, in a different way. It is like shifting your perspective by merely stepping to the side a bit and seeing something you could not see before.
That photo has an odd sort of way of making me feel like it is moving me along ... my first click I thought it was video.
ReplyDeleteI like it.
It does? It all comes down to that? Hmmmm.
I think there are ways not to choose...oh never mind...not choosing is a choice isn't it? Okay...I see what you mean!
ReplyDeleteL, Just another of my romantic fantasies. And no, it doesn't have to come down to that, for in a postmodern sense, there is no "me." Again, it is another of my romantic conceits.
ReplyDeleteR, to wit, there are no choices in postmodern ideologies, either. They have been made for you by a master narrative that informs and forms us.
All of it is true and not. And I am trite.
I was waiting for a post today about the Mad Men finale...
ReplyDeleteEven I'm in love with Megan and have been.