Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Crazy Times

I don't know what happened.  There was an election in which everybody lost. . . and then things turned around.  I know it is a momentary convergence, but here is the news this morning at five o'clock a.m. Eastern Standard Time:

* The assistant Attorney General in Michigan who has been harassing the openly gay student body president at the University of Michigan was fired by the Attorney General who only weeks ago said that his employee was only exercising his right to free speech.

* The city of San Francisco is expected to approve a ban on McDonald's Happy Meals today.

* Scientists collided ions together in the Large Hadron Collider to produce conditions that eventually could lead to recreating the conditions of the Big Bang (you know, the two trillion degree above absolute zero soup that contains quarks and gluons).

* Scientists have been able to convert skin into blood.  One day, doctors may be able to take a small patch of your skin and make blood with your own DNA for transfusions.

* High tech, low cost injections without needles is just around the corner.

* A nutritionist lost twenty-seven pounds on a Twinkies diet.  He ate other junk food, too.  Not only did he lose weight, but his bad cholesterol count lowered while his good cholesterol count went up.

* A female contestant on Wheel of Fortune solved the puzzle "I've got a good feeling about this" with only the letter "l".

Really, quite an amazing day.  There was more, but I don't know what to make of it yet.  Keith Olberman will be back on the air despite contributing to political campaigns, something he derided FOX news for and which is against his company's policy.  There was also a story that explains that girls are thirty percent more likely to engage in "risky" behavior the first time they have sex than are boys.  I'm trying to do that math on that one thinking it should be equal.  Let me know if you figure it out.  And finally, 884 people were arrested in a crackdown on child prostitution.  Seattle, Detroit, and Nashville were the big offenders, though Minneapolis was involved as well.  Seems there were a lot of Somali girls involved.  What did I tell you about Minneapolis just a few days ago?

It is early.  I just was astonished by this.  And it is all on CNN.  I haven't even gotten to the New York Times yet!

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