Thursday, November 4, 2010

Every Now and Then

(photo by Edward Curtis)

"Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in. . ." (Hunter S. Thompson)

You know the rest.  Things are getting weird and nobody seems to know what to do.  When the rich convince the poor that the best thing for them is for the rich to get richer. . . that's strange.  It started in Minnesota a while ago, maybe, and it continues there.  Too much inbreeding?  There is a strange ethnic diversity there, Norwegian, German, and Swede.  They are very tribal.  They have their ways.  But they kept to themselves and didn't cause anyone much trouble.  We liked the fact that part of the cost of every building project had to include a public art fund.  Great people.  The Twin Cities were always an attraction and a puzzle.  One is big and one is small, one is urban, the other not so much.  Still, they called them twins.  We liked "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," but it brought in outsiders, I guess, and the trouble began.  Minnesota, once a socialist state *, voted Independent Jesse "The Body" Ventura into the   big house.  They had become confused after they imported cheap labor from Mexico and found that the laborers weren't grateful for all they had done for them out on the edges of town.  The same thing with the Somalis to whom they gave refuge.  So. . . Michelle Bachman.  What a hoot.  If you don't know her. . . 

"Rep. Michele Bachmann appears in a new documentary by Coral Ridge Ministries called “Socialism: A Clear and Present Danger.” The film questions “whether socialism is the Bible’s prescription for the underprivileged and assesses socialism’s track record in Venezuela, Cuba and elsewhere.” The film’s creators conclude definitively in the first few minutes that socialism is decidedly anti-Jesus" (link).

Tell me this ain't something.  

I have to assume people voted for the entertainment factor.  They don't care how crazy it gets just as long as it is fun.  Nobody's fault, really.  We've just been overstimulated.  Remember, we are the people who make "Dancing with the Stars," "Survivor," and "America's Got Talent" hit television entertainment.  

In case you don't remember how the Thompson quote ends. . . 

". . . the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas. . . with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether." 

* I can't find sources for this right now--but it seems like I remember. . . .


  1. There is something wrong with this new notion of "I want someone just like me running the country"

    I never wanted anyone like me running the country -- i want the most intelligent people possible. Americans are vastly undereducated and our government is becoming representative of this.

    Michelle Bachmann wants all Democrats investigated to make sure they are not socialists. You must have seen that last year. She got 53% of the vote in her district -- 53%? WTF.

    I've become a foreigner in my own country or so it feels.

    There was an article on the front page of the Cape Cod Time on Tuesday -- a reporter interviewing voters entering the poll. This lady said "I never vote but I'm voting Republican even though I don't know what they stand for because I am so unhappy with Obama." It made me feel so warm and cozy inside.

    By the way -- he's half African-American, our president, in case you didn't know. That seems to cause many of those Swedes, Germans, and other white people to be vurrrry skeered.

    plus. He's sort of smart which is just really a bad thing.

    Don't get me started.

  2. p.s. the Curtis photos are the perfect foil for the entries by the way.

  3. I've already gotten you started. We will live like Curtis documenting that which is strange.
