Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Literal Illness

I've got the sickness.  I'm talking about the real one, not the self-inflicted one.  Nothing to do but see it through.  This is my first day of vacation.  Bitter pill to swallow.  Rather swallow an opium ball or half a codeine tablet for relief, but nothing like that is provided for us these days.  A little bottle of Paregoric would do. Used to be able to sign for it at the pharmacy without a doc.  But doctors used to come to the house then too.  

I'll be on my feet and back to the other sickness soon enough.  For now I'll try to have some fever dreams.  


  1. whiskey and honey? Or is that just for a cough? I had a dream today about searching for treasure...

  2. I can't take any liquor right now. All this over the counter medicine has me dehydrated.

    I've been dreaming about searching. Why is there never any treasure involved in my dreams? Yesterday I was surfing Sir Richard Burton, the explorer. I've read several biographies on him. Last night, I found his translation of "Arabian Nights" online and read the first two chapters.
