Wednesday, February 2, 2011

And the Winner Is. . . .

I've created my own Oscar this year.  I haven't seen all the films yet, but that doesn't matter.  The ballots go to people with a Union Card.  They don't have to show that they've viewed any of the movies.  All the grips and geeks who work in Hollywood (and beyond) receive a ballot.  This will be The People's Oscars. Maybe it will be open to any movie you saw this year, not just the ones made this year.  Bill Murray can win for the one he was robbed of a few years ago.  Or maybe we'll give him a surprise Oscar for "The Life Aquatic."

Can you tell I'm late for work?  I shot late last night, ate dinner at eleven, and slept a full eight hours.  Congratulations to me.  I'm late. Just time for a shower and this.  I'm pooped, as my mom used to say.

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