Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Morning Absurd

Sometimes late at night at the end of a shoot when everyone is exhausted, you just do stupid thing.  Like this.  I have no idea why this ever happened and it should not see the xenon of an internet screen but that it is so absurd I couldn't keep it to myself.  This is not the model's fault.  She is a lovely girl.  And the horrible thing is that the more I look at it, the more I like the absurdity of it.  Sorry.  I've gone wrong.

And Q, this is how it came out of the camera.  No Photoshop here.  It is all done with lighting.

I read the following axiom on the internet this morning and liked it.  It is from that great internet philosopher ~Lilac.  I assume she is a model.  She is helping me out greatly.  I, too, have given up on the mysteries.  I'm not too worried about the quality of today's post, by the way.

There is no mystery in life, there is no mystery in People, most people are Cunts,
and life is a meaningless nightmare of suffering.