Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Forgotten (but Rarely Missed)

And suddenly. . . it is June.  It has been a month since I last posted here.  Much has happened, but I wonder if anything has changed.  Oh, it has come to pass that I have been right about many events--more right than wrong--but it helps out little.

"See," I say, "I told you."

"You told me what?"

And so it goes.  Such things rarely matter.

But there has been a full moon and a change of weather, tornadoes and floods, and more nuclear disaster.  It is still often difficult to tell the good guys from the bad, and the hurricane season has just begun.  And both are impacting me greatly.

The rich keep getting richer.

I've taken to photography again, but it is no different from before.  I have worked at what I do and have enjoyed it more in private than I was in public.  I have found a trove of Polaroid film and will husband it and continue with what some may not enjoy at all.

Memorial day has come and gone, and now it is time for bare feet and barbecues, lobsters and hamburgers and homemade ice cream.

And I wonder "with whom?"

Still, I bought a new barbecue grill and cooked miraculous dinners.  Made some terrible ones, too.

I have hinted at a broken relationship, I think.  Meanwhile, two friend's wives have given birth, and another  is expecting twins.  The world seems fertile as ever before.

And I find myself thinking of better times. . . in love.

I have spent much of the month alone.  Brooding often, feeling as content as ever some.  There have been happy times, and I've made many dinners for my mother.  Still, I think and wonder. . . where do I go wrong.

I met a beautiful young crackhead, got scared and then intrigued ike a little boy holding his pecker out of nervousness trying not to pee himself then shitting his pants instead.  Oh. . . it is awful and funny.  And you will hear and see.  She has promised me that I can tell her stories.  We will both look. . . strange.

What odd and terrible things we come across in life.  And wonderful things, too.  I'll try again.  Let's see what can happen.


  1. You made my morning...welcome back! Yes odd and terrible and wonderful! Let's see...

  2. You came back! Thank you much. There are three of us, anyway.
