Friday, October 28, 2011

Can You Eat It?

We act as different people at different times.  These personalities are all parts of the whole, but they are disparate and we love, sometimes, to show only one or a few parts to an audience.  That is why we get into trouble with love.  My friend at the factory who fell for a girl much his junior. . . well, things went bad too soon.  He feels foolish, he says.  Why, I ask?  It is only normal.  She just showed you a part of the whole to which you'd not had access to before while you were acting out a part of you that had almost been forgotten.  But it is an old story.  Read Chaucer's "The Miller's Tale."

That is not right or fair.  That is a different thing.

But I will show you a part of me that I've been hiding.  And after this, it will go back into hiding, too.  These are things about which I could not stop laughing yesterday.  I will tell you a joke.

A hillbilly moves into a holler, and soon his neighbor comes to pay him a visit.

"Hello neighbor," says the first hillbilly.  "I'd like to throw you a party to welcome you to the holler."

"Say now," says the second hillbilly, "that'd be fine."

"You don't mind drinking, do you?" asks the first hillbilly.

"No, no, not at all.  I like to drink myself."

"How 'bout dancing?"

"No, I like dancing, too."

"Well, I should warn you. . . there's liable to be some wild sex."

The second hillbilly looks a little startled but says, "Hey--that's alright."

"Well," says the first hillbilly, "there's probably going to be some fighting, too."

The second hillbilly says, "I don't mind that, neither."

The first hillbilly grins and says, "Okey dokey, then, come on over Saturday night."

"What should I wear?" asks the second hillbilly.

"Oh. . . it don't matter.  It's just going to be you and me."

If you are new to the blog and haven't read much. . . it's my "heritage."  I tell C.C. that we need to put on a Heritage Jubilee at the factory.

And this has just become my favorite joke.  If you don't like this. . . .



  1. I have a bit of that hillbilly heritage in my background as well...

  2. You know what they say? One drop makes you a hillbilly. You can try to pass, but you'll be found out and ridiculed sooner or later.
