Monday, November 14, 2011

High IQs, Solar Flares, Drug Use, and The End of the World

Just to prove it, I provide another example of my digital prowess.  If you come here for the other, you may not be thrilled, but fear not.  New stuff is coming soon.  O.K.  By the end of the year.  Maybe.

The news if full of interesting things today.  A new study shows that people with higher I.Q.s are more likely to try drugs.  Seems they are more open to new experiences.  The study says "try" not "do."  I think an interesting follow up would be to see how many of them come to abuse the drugs they try.  Most of the drug addicts I know are sub-normal.  Oh. . . yes, I know lots of subnormals.

Scientists are saying that the solar flares corresponding to the Mayan calendar's final years will not destroy the earth.  How do they know?  Perhaps we should look to the Azteks.

And finally, police are evicting Occupy Wall Street protesters from Ziccotti Park.  Oh yes, that will do the trick.  That's the end of that.  I have a strong feeling that the more Draconian police practices against protestors becomes, the more the world sees how freedom is being squashed in the United States, the more the 1% rely on billy clubs and guns and privilege to protect their interests, the more likely it is that this will end really, really badly.  I think history (if not recent events) has taught us that when poor people become desperate (and yes, poor people ARE people) they will slit your throat and take your shit.  They are no better nor any worse than people with money (and yes, rich people ARE people, too), and the only thing that makes money listen is force.  When you've got a gun to your head, all of the sudden you become very, very reasonable.  "Wait a minute, wait a minute. . . can't we talk?!?"  Social Security is aptly named.  Welfare, too.  Give the poor enough that they don't need to come to your house.  It benefits everybody.

Whoops.  Too political.  Well. . . times being what they are. . . .

I leave for Asheville on Wednesday.  I will see the man making my "Frankencamera"while I am there.  He says he is working on #12 this week.  Mine is #13.  #13?!?!  I tell him to be careful.  He says perhaps he should put a black cat on it instead of a number.  I like that a bit.


  1. You are so smart.
    Can you send me some of your best?
    I will be a change from all the Dutch stuff.
    Your photos look really good indeed!
    Good luck with 'the man'!
