Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pictures and Stories

I have figured out the exposures on "The Liberator" but I keep missing focus.  In this photo, the area between the strap of her purse and her necklace is in focus.  Her eyes are not.  That is how small a tolerance there is in shooting with the Aero-Ektar wide open.  And there is the tilt/shift to deal with, too.  I will need to wear my glasses with this camera which makes everything all the more cumbersome.

I've struggled too long in trying to tell you a story this morning.  I can't.  I'll just make it brief.  When I mentioned "Entourage" to the girl in the photograph, she said back, "Men of a Certain Age."  I'd never heard of the show before, but I think I knew what she meant.  You can't explain yourself to people, you know.  It is important never to try.


  1. I always sort of liked Scott Bakula ....

  2. Very important...gets you into all sorts of awkward circumstances...
    Focus or not I love the Liberator!
