Monday, April 9, 2012

Back to Normal

Life gets back to normal.  Saturday night on the couch with a good book, then a sloooooow movie, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy."  Then off to bed at a decent hour.  I took my mother a bouquet of lilies Easter afternoon and had her to dinner that evening.  We watched "The Descendants."

Life is boring once again.

During my recent mania, I left many things undone at the factory and must begin to right that today.  I leave for D.C. Thursday on one of the supplier's dime and won't be back 'til Sunday.  Foolishly, and before I knew I'd be leaving, I agreed to shoot on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.  I'm already anxious.  I will not be able to do everything--working at the factory, going to the gym, cooking up pictures for models, shooting in the studio, and packing for my trip.

Here is a photo I like, a snapshot taken in the studio at two in the morning after a long night.  I find the contrast between this and the stylized images that make the body of my work startling.  Those pictures excite me on one level.  This disturbs me on another.  I can't think of a better way to explain the difference than to juxtapose them.  It is a matter of "distance," I think.  You see what I mean.

Why am I so creatively lazy on the weekends and so full of ideas when I must go back to work?  It is a rhetorical question, of course.  But now. . . I must hustle.

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