Thursday, August 9, 2012

Late Night, Early Morning, and the Politics of Beauty

It is late, and I have been working on pictures all night.  I am so uncomfortably happy, if that makes sense.  Things are going O.K., but I know there is a shoe somewhere waiting to drop.  I have been asked to address the general assembly at the factory, and I must decide how to play it.  I am thinking, "Man of the People."  That could be self-destructive, and I am not good at public speaking, so I could blow it all on my own.  I have some time to decide.  We shall see.

But I seem to be sleeping well and later than usual which I take as a good sign.  I am less anxious about some things than I have been (vague enough?), probably because I have given up on the hope of them. Of course everything will change, but for now. . . .

I am finding that the models I work with like the images I make of them, but when I produce one or two that lean toward pretty or glamorous, they REALLY like it.  Go figure, right?  What is wrong with them?  So I may begin making more "girl in a dress" style photographs.  But I have ulterior motives.  If I am to move toward that, I will need a larger studio.  Funny, huh?  If you think so, we are of the same mind.  But what am I here for if not to please people?  So, if I can. . . I must. . . .

I obviously have nothing to say, so I will close up shop. If I have something in the morning before I post, of course, I will add it here.

*     *     *     *     *     

And then the spell was broken, and I could not sleep a wink.  Maybe a wink, but that is all.  I am numb with the lack of sleep, and now it is time to begin the working day.  There are suddenly too many things on my mind again.  Too many balls to juggle.  Too many weights to lift.

And when I opened the paper (figuratively) this morning, I read this.  Olympic athletes are having Olympic sex in the Olympic village.  Go ahead.  Follow the link.  Read about it if you dare.  And seemingly, they have no regrets.  We who have nothing even remotely similar as an experience need to put an end to this monkey business.  And we will.  Trust me.  Now that word is out, by Zeus, attention will be paid.  There will be a reckoning.

Is it true, though?  Are people really attracted to youth and physical beauty?  Really?


  1. Fantastic photo!
    Fresh, bright, makes me happy just by looking at it.
    Maybe you need some more of that, yes.
    Have a good day, Selavy!

  2. Good luck on your address. "Man of the people" sounds relatively innocuous. If the audience becomes restless you can always channel HST.

  3. "you died a good death if your life had inspired someone to come forward and shoot your murderer in the chest -- without asking to be paid."
    -Chinua Achebe

  4. I am unable to give feedback this morning. Trouble here, trouble there, trouble everywhere. But thank you much, truly.
