Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weepy Over Nothing (or WTF Is Wrong with Me)

O.K.  Does anyone but me like "The Newsroom"?  No, let me restate that.  Does anyone but me forgive "The Newsroom"?  I just watched the season finale, and I was all but weepy.  No, I wasn't.  I don't know what is wrong with me.  It is not a weepy show.  I was weepy.  I want life to be that way.  No.  Let me take it back.  I want my life to be that way.  Whatever.  It is over for a year, so I won't have to explain it away again for awhile.  But really, something is wrong with me.

I painted the studio today.  Not the studio.  The set.  The walls are now Martha Stewart Barn Red.  That's right.  Martha Stewart.  Sue me.  It took half a gallon of paint.  $8.  It was dicey for me.  I am inclined never to change anything.  But I thought this might be good.  It might.  Either the photos will be different or I won't do this anymore.  We shall see.

Dinner with mother, of course.  There will be another post tomorrow.


  1. As long as you don't start baking cupcakes to put on your set. ...
    Fantastic photo!

  2. Baked them last night right before I got my period.
