Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Impossible Girl

Here is one of the images I made in NYC at the Impossible store.  It is an 8x10 instant integral film.  I liked enough to come home and buy an 8x10 camera.  I don't have the lens yet, nor any of the things I'll need to shoot this film.  What I really need is more money.

When the gypsy came to shoot, she asked if I was showing my work anywhere.  I chuckled a bit.  She said, "You must be spending a lot of money."  Ouch!  What the hell am I doing?  What have I been thinking?

I just want to be different, I guess.  I don't want to be just another old guy with a camera.

"Hey, buddy, how's that working out for ya'?"


  1. We are all the same...we all want to be different. Love the 8 x 10 photograph.15

  2. I am the same. But 15 what? Men on a dead man's chest? Bottles of beer on the wall? Year's old?

  3. Who knows? I don't know where that 15 came from but I'm sure its significant.
