Some days overwhelm you with their beauty. Sunday was one. You know when you live them that you are not equal to them and that they can never be repeated. I wished I were in love.
But I cooked dinner for my mother and we sat outside and enjoyed the cool sunset breeze while drinking passable red wine and talking about nothing. Red beans with pork and jasmine rice, steamed spinach, and an avocado salad drizzled with honey. And then we watched "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang."
I think I wish I was (were) Robert Downey Jr.
And then nothing.
Tomorrow is a workday at the factory. And the next. And the next. And the next. And the next.
As it is for many of you. Why aren't you whining and complaining as I am? Are you happy? Are you content?
We wish for salad days. Southern California in the 30's and 40's and 50's and even 60's. Prescient days before the storm.
I kind of wish you were Robert Downey, Jr!