Tuesday, February 11, 2014

House of Lies

Originally Posted Friday, January 11, 2013

I've begun watching Season One of "House of Lies" because there is nothing else to watch on non-commercial t.v.  It is pretty good.  It takes sharp characters and gives them witty dialog and makes you like them even though they are no good sons and daughters of bitches.  Every character on the show is fucked up, but they are all very successful in their sleazy business.  I am not promoting the show.  I am thinking about how sleazy, fucked up people have become heroes beyond the television screen.  It has effected how we operate as humans.  The good guys are able to win because they can fuck up the bad guys either because they are dirtier or meaner.  And that is "The New Smart." 

I play the game at the factory.  It is a small scale version (HO) of the real game, I think.  But it is interesting to see how really stupid people are able to make packs with other really stupid people in power and succeed.  But they must be willing to act brutally.  Stupid people can only win through intimidation and fear.  If you are smart, though, even without real power, you can do a sort of Matrix dance around, under, and in between the power lines to get things done.  And once you've penetrated the Matrix. . . well, you are in--sort of--because you have proven to have some skill that can be a) scary,  b) useful,  c) all of the above.  But the game (Matrix) changes all the time.  If you get caught by surprise--ZAP--you lose.  The pack at the top are in control of the Matrix and are hard to get to come down where they, too, might make a misstep and get zapped.  Once in a while, though, hubris catches one of them, and if you can lure them into the maze--ZAP. 

I don't even like the movie.

I'm reading Robert Frost right now.  Wow.  How many centuries old is that?  I love it, but it isn't going to help anyone in the world today.  Those lessons are useless now.  But maybe he could still get elected into the Senate as a democrat.  I could see that.  I'll move on to William Carlos Williams soon.  He would definitely end up with a mug shot on the evening news.

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