Originally Posted Thursday, February 7, 2013
If I'd had time, I would have written "Volleyball" on this image. And I don't know where it goes. Time, that is. I haven't been to the studio in weeks and do not have to work at night now, and still I have no real time. I like that phrase--"real time." What I haven't is volition. As a mathematical equation, then, "real time" = "volition." If my volition, measured on a ten point scale, equals one, and the amount of free time I have in a day equals four hours, how many total hours comprise my equivalent day?
Holy shit! My life is dribbling away in a mathematical equation. I'd better take a look at this or get some help. Perhaps I can come up with an equation for aging. Yes--perfect. I am sure I can quantify the reason life seems so different as you age. After that, I'll package something to help people get more hours in their days and, in essence, extend the amount of "real time" they have to live. I'll charge a decent sum and make a bunch of money.
Except. . . I have no volition. I am in desperate need of nursing. Oops. That was supposed to be nurturing. But I'll take either.
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