Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Doll That Started It All

Can you believe that this is the actual cover and not some mockup from The Onion?  I love it, of course, but I think they are not being ironic.  Are they?  It is frightful and scary in soooooooo many ways.  It is the wrongness I like most, but you shouldn't be able to do this in a public way.  Still, if she were to win an Olympic Gold for the downhill, it might be O.K.  I'd love to be an Olympic athlete in the Olympic Village right now.  Imagine this (link).  It makes me angry to be excluded.  They should have to "date" me, too.  I'm feeling discriminated against because of age.  Agism is one of the most insidious forms of prejudices out there.  Trust me.  I know these things. I'm a doctor, almost.

Obviously, though, you can see the difference between what I do and this cover photo.  It is too brightly lit.  My images are much moodier, and that makes all the difference.  Plus, I never let any of the models smile.  No happy smiling brightly lit photos for me.  A well-lighted photograph is different thing.  There are the shadows of the leaves against the electric lights.  It is that and it is clean and pleasant.  I am one of those who needs a light for the night.

You know what I mean.  Fear, dread, nothingness.  It is all a nothing and man is a nothing, too.  Our nada, etc.

Oh, Jesus, if you don't know, here (link).

What I am saying is that it is philosophical, the difference I mean.  But maybe I should do a series based upon Barbie.  I guess that is what Sports Illustrated is saying, though--"The Doll That Started It All."  Most of the women in the Olympics do have some of this in them.  They don't look like cutters or Suicide Girls.  They know what is marketable.  They don't spend all that time training simply to win a medal.

Last night, I watched the Pair's Skating.  It was all boy/girl.  Is that the only "pair" they allow?  I think in Sochi there should have been a boy/boy figure skating pair.  Am I wrong?  Or a girl/girl.  Holy smokes!  And the stadium erupts!  Barbie and Chaz kicking it.  And the judges score it. . . GOLD!

O.K.  I'll quit it.  I just find the world so absolutely devoid of justice or meaning that absurdity is the only defense.

But c'mon S.I.  Next year's cover--Ken!


  1. Found an artist this morning that made me think of the one you mentioned a while back. Another who does book covers similar to Harland Miller:

