Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ritual and Routine

Originally Posted Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I have no time today.  Slept long, woke late.  Now I don't have time for my morning routine.  I like being routinized on my own terms, in my own time.  It is almost religious, almost sacred, and perhaps should be called ritual rather than routine.  Yes, there is the distinction.  I have rituals.  I have routines.  Thusly today, routine routes ritual, trumps it with a raise, causes it to fold.  It is the way of the world except for the truly devout.  But who can afford that?  I am more heretic than ideologue, perhaps.  What thinking person isn't?  Besides, the workforce needs us.  That is what I've read.  The world is in decline where there are not enough factory workers.  Germany is in crisis, it seems.  Their population has been in decline since the 1970s.  An article in the Times today declares:

If Germany is to avoid a major labor shortage, experts say, it will have to find ways to keep older workers in their jobs, after decades of pushing them toward early retirement, and it will have to attract immigrants and make them feel welcome enough to make a life here. It will also need to get more women into the work force while at the same time encouraging them to have more children, a difficult change for a country that has long glorified stay-at-home mothers.

How many "wrongs" can you find in this brief statement?  How many assumptions?  The entire article seems to have been written by a right wing-nut factory owner. 

Oh. . . I'm in trouble now.  I've let ritual cheat routine, and you know how that turns out.

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