Monday, August 11, 2014

A Trip to the Orpheum

Originally Posted Friday, January 3, 2014

That blaggard over at Q put up the wrong song today, but he has all the advantages in that he can post YouTube videos and I can't (why? why? why?).  Here is the correct version of this song.  Those boys sure could sing. 

I haven't seen the movies he is complaining about, but I had intended to.  I will trust his critical judgement in this and not bother now.  I would write off his comments to his aging sobriety, but since I am off the sauce, too, perhaps I should listen with interest.  He is not sober enough yet, though, to quit writing about his sexual fantasies.  Those filters in the brain haven't had time to heal completely.  Soon enough.  He and I will be playing pinochle via the internet and live chatting about. . . I'm not sober long enough to know that yet. 

His post made me remember one of my old complaints, however.  It started with vegetables.  I just began thinking that there were not enough of them.  I was getting tired of the same ones over and over again.  It is the result of living in contemporary society, of course.  We need infinite stimulation.  Which led me to the dour conclusion that there are too few genders as well. Truly.  Why two (or two and a half, maybe)?  Why not five?  Or nine? 

I know the scientific answer to that, of course, owning a degree in zoology as I do.  Nature conserves its energies and resources.  Exes and ohs.  On or off.  Binomial, if you will.  But once you start thinking about it. . . you'll see.  More genders, more problems, maybe, but imagine the fun. 

"I hooked up with a gender five this weekend."

"Oh, man, those cats are crazy.  Did it let you into the orpheum?"

"Oh yea.  We did it all!  I LOVE the fucking orpheum!" 

It would solve the whole s/he thing, too. 

I'm just saying. 

Wednesday felt like Sunday since I had to go to work on Thursday which felt like Monday.  Skip ahead.  It's Friday.  Feeling pretty good about that.  I will try to do all the things I didn't do over my vacation.  Maybe.  But yesterday, I got my internet upgraded.  I went from less than ten to over sixty MgB/sec.  Streaming videos will be much better, and now all I want to do is utilize the resource.  It is cold and gray, so maybe I'll end up in the house as always.  No worries.  I have a cat, some herbal tea, a Kindle full of books, and t.v. on demand.  Oh. . . and I fell in love with the Fresh Market last night.  Fuck organic.  Their take-out is a thousand times better than anything at Whole Foods.  I may never cook again. 

Still, I'd love to get me some gender five and take a little trip to the orpheum

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