Saturday, September 6, 2014


Originally Posted Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Normcore.  That's the new trend in styling.  Well, it may not be "new" new because you can now Google it and find lots of articles on it.  If you were really hip, I guess, you'd have been "normed" already.  When you do an image search for it, you will find lots of pictures of Jerry Seinfeld.  He is the poster boy of norm.  Aunt Thelma is really a thing of the past.  Truly, this was her everyday wear.  Embracing "sameness" is the new cool.  Self-aware sameness, of course.  Hipsters will either embrace it or look like somebody's odd old uncle who could never move past his high school trends. 

Cool is for kids, of course, like Trix. 

I don't know what will happen to the people who work at Whole Foods.  They all have multiple obvious tats, gauged nose rings, and botched haircuts that mark the era.  They will all have to take to Facebook, I guess, to rally around one another and to keep in touch in a sea of "normality." 

Oh, there is much money to be made. 

But I know the winds have changed.  Everything I buy at Whole Foods now sucks.  What can you expect from a bunch of tasteless bastards?  Have you ever eaten at a hipster dive?  I guess, though, that normcore will take us back to canned baked beans and hamburger helper. 

I'll be the guy in the t-shirt and jeans with the camera. 

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