Sunday, September 14, 2014

Post-Logic Law

Originally Posted Tuesday, May 6, 2014

As a non-practicing photographer (better than "former photographer"), I dig into the vaults to find old material.  There is a lot of it, so I can go for quite a number of years without needing to pick up a camera again, really.  Here is a girl who lived in S. Africa that came to the U.S. to audition for the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes.  She made it to the last call back but in the end was not chosen.  It seems that a Rockette has quite a good life as they are paid well but only work a few months out of the year.  The rest they are free to pursue whatever they like.  I wish I were a Rockette, but it is impossible. My leg kicks suck. 

They suck just about as bad as the United States Supreme Court which ruled yesterday to allow prayers before government meetings.  The five Catholics on the Court ruled in favor.  One Christian and three "others" voted against.  I used to think that I hadn't much right to criticize the high court's rulings as these were accomplished legal minds steeped a the rich history of law and academics.  I've always known that legal logic did not meet the standards of classical or academic logic, but I assumed that it worked, that it was me, not them.  I have not read the decision, only the snippets that the Times provided this morning, but I will.  If I am wrong, I will retract the comments I've made today.  But I find it difficult to believe that the ruling came from good, sound critical thinking.  The court allows me the right to walk out of the room when the official prayer is being delivered.  Without prejudice.  It will not effect the attitudes or judgements of others, they opine, even if I am attending the meeting to plead a case to Christians.

Salem.  That is all I have to say.  The Pope was right, the world is flat.  Burn the witches.  Forget logical fallacies.  There is only one true way. 

These are End Times, my friends.  You'd better get right with. . . whomever. 

I have to go back and read Revelations.  Did Bush have the Mark of the Beast or of the False Prophet or whatever the silly thing predicted?  Surely he did.  Otherwise he would have been taken in the Rapture. 

O.K.  I'm done.  I am just left feeling like a wild animal.  They are chopping down the forests.  Soon there will be nowhere left to hide. 

But at least there is Russia, a godless country.  They are a beacon to the world, really, to show us that people without God can live morally.  To wit, Putin just banned all cursing in public performances and venues including films.  True.  He is cleaning up the country's culture without needing religion.  And China is bulldozing churches if you can believe CNN.  I really need not despair, I guess.  There are always choices.  And isn't that the true essence of freedom? 

O.K.  I'm done.  Fuck Copernicus.  He deserved what he got.  Nothing has been the same since.

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