Saturday, November 15, 2014

Nothing Lasts, Nothing Is Finished, Nothing Is Perfect

Originally Posted Thursday, October 23, 2014

Wabi Sabi.  Everything has a spirit or a soul.  I guess.  If you want it so.  I have maintained in many an argument that we spiritualize the world.  Or don't, depending on your belief.  I could say, "we believe the world" into meaning (not existence).  It is difficult for me to believe the hoo-doo, but sometimes it is fun, and maybe if it is fun, it is sacred.  Maybe?  I am in a mood to simplify, so this article today caught my interest.  "Discard everything that does not spark joy," the article recommends.  Hey, now--I'm for that!  Gone are those pesky bills and income tax receipts.  Away with all the paperwork I'm supposed to keep.  I'll be happier 'til the taxman comes calling.  Joy is duplicitous, so maybe away with that as well.  I don't want to live in a world of duality. 

I have a tendency to over-think a thing.  Problematizing it is called.  It doesn't make me so many friends.  I'm thought of as a Contrarian. 

Perhaps, though, potions and lotions and tonics and other amalgams can settle my restless mind and body and spirit.  I was struck by the loveliness of the images in this article from today's Times, too.  “Part of our mission here is to find ways to re-enchant the world,” says the herbal apothecary/shop owner.  There is such a beauty in the presentation that there is no way drinking or sipping or bathing in those herbs could not help you feel better.  Even the Harvard professor of medicine cited in teh article admits that the placebo effect is great, which ties back to yesterday's post.  Yes, yes. . . the mind can heal the body to a greater or lesser extent.  Wabi Sabi and a lack of dualism may help you find a better quality to your life.  If you believe that it is so. . . find the joy. 

That is what I am so sorely in need of right now.  Joy.  Especially in the season of such.  I will attempt some Wabi Sabi right here, right now.  I have to shed the things that weigh me down.  And, of course, buy a Vespa.  I just know that as soon as I do, something major will break, some major expense will pop up.  But that is Wabi Sabi, eh?  Nothing lasts.  Nothing is Finished.  Nothing is perfect. 

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