Thursday, January 8, 2015


I lost fat--not just weight--all break long.  My waistline shrunk so that I could wear pants I should have thrown away long ago.  Three days back at work, though, and that is all turning around.  It is not a change of diet that is making the difference as I am eating the same things I did on vacation.  It is not activity or lack of it.  I barely moved from the couch over the holidays.  There is only one difference--stress.  I sit at my desk with a million tasks that need completing and a hundreds people whose needs must be attended, and I can feel the cortisol production that causes the body to store fat in the most unattractive places.  Look it up.  It is true.  About the cortisol, I mean, not about me.  Well, the part about me is true, but you can't look it up.  The other, though, has been extensively researched. 

What to do?  There is no getting around what I must do at the factory.  I shall be all belly and back once again in just a few days.  I could take a cortisol blocker, but that seems dangerous to me somehow.  Other hormones will be effected by stress as well.  I know my estrogen levels will increase (and I really don't need that as mine are high enough).  I will be weepy soon and sitting down when I pee.  On its own that wouldn't be so bad, but my back hurts when I get up. 

I know it has already started.  I made an iTunes radio station from the band Psapp.  No shit.  I sent it to Q.  His estrogen levels spiked a long time ago.  He hasn't said anything about it, so I imagine he has become a secret listener.  He'll deny it, of course, but there is no way to really know but by intuition.  He gets butch sometimes like in today's post, but if you read regularly, you will hear the estrogenic Psapp tones throughout his writing. 

Speaking of sissies (weren't we?), the New York Times posted a story today about the cartoonists who were shot in Paris.  They had the guts to show some of the work they did--oops!--except for anything to do with their most famous and controversial stuff about Moslems.  Nope.  Not them.  They are not going to chance getting firebombed.  Prudence, eh?  Tell me, then, that the assassins aren't winning.  Assassins always win eventually if there are enough of them.  Remember Yasser Arafat and the PLO?  He was like the anti-Ghandi.  When do white people listen to black people?  When they sing spirituals and tap dance?  The Times editorial board opined against the assassins, of course, but it was VERY IMPORTANT to them that they were not seen painting groups of people with a broad brush.  They can do that with Republicans, perhaps, but not some people

I like the Times.  They are really the only investigative journalists left in America except for the rare few at the Washington Post.  But man. . . I wish they would quit listening to Psapp.  I'm getting enough of that around my house.

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