Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Special Minds

I have like two minutes to write this today.  Factory work.  And I am already in jeopardy.  Hayzoos, though, I'm always in trouble.

So. . . just quickly.  Viagra for women.  Trump keeps gaining in the polls, closing the gap on the fortune hunter. . . I mean front runner. . . Hillary Clinton.  The Donald, I mean.  Viagra for women.

Here is how CNN put it:

(CNN)Women who have lost their sex drive will have a little pink pill to help them come October.
 From a story about rape at an elite private school in New Hampshire:
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost half of women who have been raped were assaulted before they were 18.
Subway's Jared is expected to plead guilty to many charges of child pornography (link).  A Rabbi who took boys for a nude schvitz in a sauna gets to keep his job (link).

What is one supposed to take away from this?  Your essay should be no more than 500 words.  You have one hour.

Truly, I wish I had more time.  There is such crazy shit in the news today.  It is not the individual stories, really, but the juxtaposition of them that gets me jazzed.  Strange relationships call for special minds.

It is my specialty.

Now. . . factory hours.

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