Sunday, October 1, 2017

Wishing for Little Ill

A lousy day getting tax documents together, going to the accountant, etc.  Crummy weather.  Crummy day all around.  Ili out of town for the day, I was able to mope unseen.  Late dinner and YouTube camera porn.  There are lots of different kinds of camera porn to watch.  You can watch video reviews of cameras.  Lots of them.  You can watch people opine about what photography is and means.  There are lots of videos of fashion shoots.  And there are videos that show famous (and not famous) photographers works.  Last night watching a video showing Diane Arbus's work, I was taken by the weird mix of "The Man of Mine" that played beneath the pictures.  I've searched, but I can't find who it is.  Anyone know?

(I can't get the song to upload, so here's the link)

Later, I took two Advil P.M.s and went to bed.  Nothing like a deep chemical slumber.

Today is grey and wet and the first day of October.  It seems to hold no promise.  It may be the sort of day to suffer through hoping for little ill.

I dreamed of photos last night.  I would like to make some.

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