Monday, September 9, 2019

Paris Bound

We booked our trip to Paris, and it is soon.  We will be there just after autumn falls.  It was an impulsive decision.  I said "Paris" and Ili began researching flights.  She found some bad ones which caused me to search out of frustration.  Once I found some good ones, there was only one thing to do.

I was tricked.

A week in Paris isn't enough, but it will be something.  There are sites to see, of course, but mostly there are streets to be walked and cafes to be sampled.  I have just started YouTube Paris and Google Paris preparations.  I will get to the bookstore this week.  We don't have much time.

We still haven't booked a place to stay, so any suggestions. . . .

We watched the last installment of "Serengeti" last night then I had bad, violent dreams.  I woke up thinking about work and felt I was abandoning my job.  I guess guilt is normal.

I will go now and do a bit of research.  Or I will try to brush up on my college French.

Oh. . . and we will be there during Fashion Week.  Oo-la-la.


  1. I landed here ... aren't you glad you took my suggestion for the apartment? Odd that the Serengeti is here too - too bad about your dreams. I love the Serengeti - its beauty & violence among the purest I've encountered.

    Sorry to bring you here -- to a memory of J.& U. But it was bound to happen as I poked.

    I wish I was waking up there. Paris. Even just to look out at the chimney pot roofs - and to smell the baguettes baking downstairs.

    Friyay! A long work day ahead. Ick. But the sun is shining. I wrote you an email but never sent it - again.

    I want to see this:

    Morning U.


