Thursday, March 5, 2020

My friend from the factory is traveling in Illinois and Missouri right now, sending me pictures that make me envious.  I have nothing holding me back.  I could go, could do it, too, but I am busy being retired, crying the blues and sitting on the couch.  She and I have similar situations.  She is up visiting her father who needs some care.  She is an only child, single, child-free, etc.  The only difference is that she has to work.

She uses her phone for a camera.  She sends these because she knows the sort of images I like.  She does it to be nice.  She doesn't realize how they torment me.

I took the first nap of my retirement today.  I love naps, so it is strange that it took over a month for me to take one.  I was simply too exhausted to stay awake.  I fell asleep in a chair for awhile before I got up and lay down upon a couch.  "Exhausted," you ask?  "From what?"

I haven't a clue.  I don't think I'm well, but I'm not sure.  The oak pollen count is crazy high.  It felt like I was being bitten by tiny insects on my arms and legs today when I took a walk.  Maybe I have developed an allergy.  Or maybe it is something else.  Maybe it's spring fever ("though I know/it isn't spring").

Yesterday, I wrote that we are all living in the world that Ronan Farrow created.  Then I read this:
Farrow is estranged from his father, Woody Allen. After Allen married Soon-Yi Previn, the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow and André Previn, Farrow commented, "He's my father married to my sister. That makes me his son and his brother-in-law. That is such a moral transgression."
And this:
In a 2013 interview with Vanity Fair, Mia Farrow stated that Ronan could "possibly" be the biological child of singer Frank Sinatra, with whom she said she "never really split up." 
And this:
Farrow has refused to discuss DNA, and stated that despite their estrangement, "Woody Allen, legally, ethically, personally was absolutely a father in our family." In a 2018 New York magazine article, Woody Allen said that Farrow may indeed be Sinatra's son: "In my opinion, he's my child … I think he is, but I wouldn't bet my life on it. I paid for child support for him for his whole childhood, and I don't think that's very fair if he's not mine."
So, O.K.  I can see how you might get fucked up.  I think the funniest part is Woody Allen's comment about support money.  That's the part for him that wouldn't be fair.

I mean, if any of it is funny.  The reason I was thinking about any of this, though, is because my climbing buddy out west lost his job with the outdoor company he has been working for for about twenty-five years in a sort of Chris Matthews #MeToo thing.  Like a lot of old guys, he hasn't kept up with the times, so he's out on his ass.

I don't know.  It is a complicated world.  Mia Farrow's brother went to prison for ten years for sexually abusing two boys.  Frank Sinatra did whatever the hell he wanted.

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